Clothing Drive

The Human Rights Committee of CWA 4502 collected items for the Miracle on Long Street Holiday Giveaway during November and December. All donated items were taken to the Holiday Giveaway on Saturday, Dec. 14, at St. Dominic’s Parish Center. People in need could register to attend and get a coat, a hot meal, and other needed items. We collected 34 Coats, 58 shirts, 15 sweaters, 27 pairs of pants, 17 purses, 46 toiletry items, and an assortment of other items for a total of 244 donated items.

Special thanks to Cindy, Diann, Erika, and Melanie, for helping represent our union by volunteering to sort and arrange donations for the guests and to Joya and Susan for each dropping off a carload of donations.

Food Drive

We collected 434 items for the Mid-Ohio Food Collective.  It was 456 pounds of food!!!  We beat last year’s record of 350 pounds which I did not expect.  We also collected $260 in donations to Christmas Cares/Union Shares at St. Stephens. Thank you to Cindy, Joyce, Jeff, and Glen for helping haul food in and out of the union hall.

Christmas Cares, Unions Share is intended to help union households in need during the holiday season. Only union membership will be verified, no income information is required. Participants will receive 1-2 weeks’ worth of food to help families during the Holiday break.

The pick-up location will be at St. Stephen’s Community House on December 21. Additional details will be provided through email and text message with the cell number provided.


Fill out the registration form here.

Registration Begins on Monday, October 14 and runs through Monday, November 25


  • Valid Photo I.D.
  • Union Membership


For 70 years, St. Stephen’s Community House, The Central Ohio Labor Council, Columbus City Council, and countless other community partners have come together to alleviate food insecurity during the holiday season. This year, we have a goal of providing 100+ lbs of fresh produce, meats, grains, and non-perishables to over 3,000 households in Central Ohio.

VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to make, pack & hand out boxes the week of December 16-22.

Sign up here.

We are also doing our annual Food Drive for the Mid-Ohio Food Collective. Bring food items in between now and the Holiday Party*.

If you would like to donate money instead of carrying food into work, you can donate to the Christmas Cares, Union Shares Virtual Food Drive through St. Steven’s Community House.

*More information about bringing items to the Holiday Party will be shared when the invitation goes out. 

How do I give my donation to the Human Rights Committee?

  • Bring the items to the Member Meeting on Wednesday, November 13.
  • Give them to your department representative.
  • Bring them to the Union Hall.
  • Contact Cindy to arrange for pickup.

Cindy Krebs
[email protected]