Eric Arnesen
The George Washington University

Anyone familiar with the labor movement today knows that organized labor is a heterogeneous group – African Americans, Latinos, Asians and Asian Americans, whites, men and women, citizens and undocumented workers all make up the ranks of the unions affiliated with Change to Win and the AFL-CIO.  There is no question that the American labor force is characterized by unprecedented diversity – and, not surprisingly, organized labor is as well.  In recent years, the labor movement has come to embrace and, to an unprecedented degree, champion racial and gender equality, often putting it at the forefront of movements for equality and civil rights in the United States.  And that connection – labor and civil rights – has deep historical roots.

Continue Reading on the Teamsters website.

Draft Collective Bargaining Agreement is now available. Click here to view the draft agreement.

Colonial Life tabletop postcard FINAL 09082023

NEgotians Team Signed the contract 9-25-23

Our Negotiating Team met this afternoon to sign the contract! Now it’s off to the city’s team for signatures. We will soon have a finialized document for members to access online.

Thanks to our Local 4502 Contract Negotiations Team!

NEgotians Team Signed the contract 9-25-23

9/25/23 the Contract Negotiations Team met and signed our contract. Pictured are: Hugh Williams, Eric Cunningham, Jim Weber, Brent Writesel, and Susan Wilson. Attorney Sarah Ingles not pictured.